Monday, October 10, 2011

Life of Brian

Watched Monty Python's life of Brian. It is an awesome movie.

Why did I not watch this movie for this long mates !

Michael Palin's acting in the Biggus Dickus scene is hilarious.
It should have been the inspiration for Vadivelu torturing
his soldiers in the movie 23rd Pulikesi. Most of the techniques
used in Lollu Sabha should have been taken from Monty Phython.

Another hilarious scene is the stoning scene. So is the opening
scene when three wise men from the East come to see Jesus
Christ. Every scene is funny and it is a must watch movie.


Friday, November 26, 2010

It is 8 days since I quit smoking. The reason is it is just too cold to go out to smoke.

It is 80 days since I have been in France. Ok I am not that happy to be away. But now I am beginning to get used to things and maybe this will get rid of unhappiness.

I will keep posting my experiences from now on. Tomorrow I am gonna cook chicken for the first time. Initially I struggled so hard to even boil rice. Now I know how to make dal, sambar, rasam and egg curry.

It is only six months more here. In some sense it is sad too. I have applied for the carte de sejour. France is very slow in the adminstrative things and so is my university.
It seems that I will get the carte de sejour in another two months probably. This makes it 5 months before I can go anywhere in Europe. Not that I am a kind of person who travels a lot. But I wanted to go to Germany to meet a friend.

A friend of mine came to Germany in Nov and within 15 days he got the residence permit and he is already going to Netherlands.

People here in France are very laid back unlike in India. Nothing will be open on Sundays and streets will be deserted all the time.

Today is the first day of snowfall in Caen. I have to buy good shoes tomorrow.

Cars wont wake me up in the mornings anymore for a while. But again public transportation has gone for a toss. Guess what I just bought a one month pass to use public transport and it wont be working regularly.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things to do to really improve my dancing.

1) Should be fit. For that the first thing that I should do is to quit smoking. It's f***ing it up.

2) Stretch everyday. Do warm up.

3) Do the routing whole heartedly. No OPying.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Soon a good version explaining Bridge will be put up.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Learning Powerjazz now. Routine for Stamp.